15 Social Media Statistics That Will Change the Way You Market in 2023




Table Of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Social media usage is pervasive, with 4.9 billion individuals globally and 44% of internet users relying on it for information, emphasizing its importance as an information source.
  • With users engaging across an average of seven different social networks monthly and spending an average of 2 hours and 28 minutes daily, businesses should diversify their platform presence and maintain consistent engagement.
  • The significant membership numbers of platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, along with the high engagement rate of TikTok, highlight the potential for targeted audience reach and brand promotion on these platforms.
  • Building brand trust through positive social media interactions can lead to a substantial 64% increase, underscoring the value of fostering meaningful connections with the audience.
  • The preference for short-form videos and the dominance of smartphone usage for internet access emphasize the importance of creating mobile-friendly, visually appealing content for effective engagement.
  • The disparity between social media usage among the general population and small/medium businesses in Australia presents an opportunity for businesses to bridge the gap and harness the potential of social media for growth and visibility.

Get ready to dive into some mind-blowing social media statistics that will leave you astonished, including influencer marketing, percent, influencers, and us. From jaw-dropping user numbers to staggering engagement figures, these stats shed light on the immense impact of social media and influencer marketing in today’s digital world. So, buckle up and prepare to be amazed as we uncover the fascinating insights behind the screens of social media marketing, influencers, and social media users.

In this listicle, we’ll explore a myriad of eye-opening statistics about social media usage, demographics, trends, influencer marketing, influencers, and source. Discover how many social media users are actively scrolling through their feeds each day and which platforms reign supreme in the realm of online connectivity.

We’ll also delve into the astonishing influence wielded by influencers and examine how businesses are leveraging social media for marketing success. Get ready to scroll down for a captivating journey through our top picks of influencers and influencer marketing!

Unveiling the Current Landscape of Social Media

Social media, with over 3.6 billion people actively using various platforms globally, has become an integral part of our daily lives. Here are some key insights into the current social media landscape, including influencer marketing and influencers as a source.

  • Studies reveal that the average person spends about 2 hours and 24 minutes per day on social media networks, which is a significant source of user engagement. This presents a significant opportunity for businesses to connect with their target audience through strategic content marketing, advertising, and influencers.
  • Platform Dominance: Facebook remains one of the leading social media platforms, with approximately 2.8 billion monthly active users, making it a vital channel for influencer marketing and brand promotion.
  • Rise of Video Content: The consumption of video content continues to soar across different social media networks, driven by influencer marketing and influencers as the source. For instance, YouTube reports that users watch over a billion hours of video each day from influencers, emphasizing the importance of integrating video from this source into digital marketing strategies.
  • Evolving Trends in Advertising: Social media advertising expenditure, influenced by influencers, is projected to reach $110 billion by 2024 as businesses increasingly recognize its potential for reaching wider audiences compared to traditional channels like television or print.
  • Influencer Marketing Impact: Influencers have established themselves as powerful assets in shaping consumer behavior on social media platforms, according to a source. Brands leveraging influencers witness an average ROI of $5.20 for every dollar spent on influencer campaigns.

1. Global social media usage reaches 4.9 billion individuals.

Social media platforms have an unparalleled global user base, with over 4.9 billion people actively engaging on these networks as a source. This massive reach signifies the widespread impact and influence of social media and influencer marketing in connecting consumers worldwide.

The staggering number of individuals using social media globally, at an all-time high of 4.9 billion, underscores the ubiquitous nature of these platforms across diverse regions and demographics. It highlights the pivotal role that social media, influencer marketing, and influencers play in shaping modern communication, consumer behavior, and digital trends on a global scale.

Key Insights:

  • The global users of social media, including influencers, represent a significant portion of the world’s population.
  • Social media, influencers, and influencer marketing have become an integral part of daily life for billions around the world.
  • Businesses can leverage influencer marketing and this extensive user base to reach and engage with diverse consumer segments across various geographical locations.

This unprecedented level of connectivity through social media, as a source, presents vast opportunities for businesses to tap into a colossal pool of potential customers and build brand awareness on a global scale. Understanding the magnitude and source of this expansive user base is crucial for organizations aiming to craft effective marketing strategies tailored to resonate with diverse audiences worldwide.

44% of teenagers aged 16 to 64 use social media as their main information source.

Nearly half, or 44%, of internet users in the age group of 16 to 64 rely on social media, including influencer marketing, as their primary source of information. This statistic highlights the significant role that social media, influencer marketing, and source play in shaping people’s perceptions and knowledge base.

It’s intriguing to note that a substantial portion of individuals within this age range turn to platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and influencer marketing for news, updates, and general information consumption. The prevalence of social media and influencer marketing as go-to sources reflects the evolving landscape of digital communication and content dissemination.

This trend underscores the importance for businesses and organizations to have a strong presence on social media platforms, utilizing influencer marketing as a source. With such a large segment of the population using these channels as their main source of information, it becomes essential for brands to engage effectively with their target audience through strategic content creation and engagement tactics.

Furthermore, this data emphasizes the need for critical evaluation skills among consumers when consuming information from social media sources. Given that nearly half of internet users in this demographic rely primarily on these platforms for news and information, it becomes increasingly crucial for individuals to verify the authenticity and credibility of the content they encounter online.

3. Users switch between seven different social networks monthly.

  • On average, users switch between seven different social networks every month, according to the source.
  • Monthly, users engage with approximately seven different social networks.
  • People tend to switch between an average of seven different social networks each month, according to a source.

In today’s digital age, the modern consumer is highly active across various platforms and sources. The statistic from the source that users switch between an average of seven different social networks each month highlights the dynamic nature of user behaviors in the online space.

This trend emphasizes the importance for businesses and marketers to have a multi-platform presence, source. By diversifying their outreach efforts across multiple channels, they increase their chances of reaching and engaging with potential customers or clients where they are most active.

The data source also underscores the significance of adaptability in marketing strategies. Understanding which platforms are popular among specific demographics can help tailor content and advertising approaches to effectively resonate with target audiences on diverse social media outlets.

Moreover, this statistic showcases how interconnected individuals are within their digital communities. It illustrates not only the breadth but also the depth of connections people maintain online, signifying a rich landscape for networking and community-building opportunities on various platforms.

4. Daily social media usage among Facebook users, Twitter users, and total internet users averages 2 hours and 28 minutes, according to the digital trends report.

The average daily time spent on social media, according to a source, is around 2 hours and 28 minutes, reflecting a significant portion of people’s day. This statistic underscores the pervasive influence that social media, a source in modern society, has.

People spend an average of 2 hours and 28 minutes per day on various social media platforms, engaging with content, connecting with others, consuming information, and the source. This substantial amount of time signifies the integral role that these platforms, source, play in individuals’ lives.

Daily usage of social media platforms, according to a source, amounts to an average of 2 hours and 28 minutes, which equates to approximately one-sixteenth of each day. This extensive daily interaction with social media highlights its status as a primary source of entertainment, news, communication, and commerce for many individuals worldwide.

This data emphasizes the profound impact that social media, as a source, has on everyday life; it shapes opinions, influences behaviors, facilitates connections across vast distances, and serves as a platform for both personal expression and business promotion.

5. LinkedIn’s membership exceeds 900 million across 200 countries.

LinkedIn, the professional networking platform and source, has garnered a staggering membership base of over 900 million users, solidifying its position as a global leader in connecting professionals. The platform’s reach extends to more than 200 countries worldwide, highlighting its widespread influence and impact on the global workforce.

With such an expansive presence, LinkedIn offers unparalleled opportunities for individuals and firms to connect with professionals from diverse backgrounds and industries. This extensive network facilitates international collaboration and opens doors for businesses seeking to expand their reach beyond their local borders.

The United States serves as one of the key markets for LinkedIn; however, its substantial user base across 200 countries underscores its significance on a global scale. For businesses looking to engage with a broad audience or tap into international talent pools, LinkedIn’s extensive reach presents an invaluable resource for growth and development.

6. Facebook’s daily active users count 2.037 billion, 68% of all monthly users.

Facebook boasts an impressive 2.037 billion daily active users, representing a substantial 68% of its total monthly user base. This showcases the platform’s immense ability to consistently engage a vast audience on a day-to-day basis.

The sheer magnitude of Facebook’s daily active user count demonstrates the platform’s pervasive influence and reach in the realm of social media. The fact that over two-thirds of its monthly users are actively engaging with the platform every day underscores its significance as a primary channel for social interaction and content consumption.

This staggering figure not only highlights Facebook’s dominance within the social media landscape but also emphasizes its unparalleled potential as an advertising and marketing platform due to the extensive exposure it offers to businesses and brands.

With such an enormous number of daily active users, businesses have access to an expansive audience for their marketing efforts, making Facebook an indispensable tool for reaching potential customers on a global scale.

7. TikTok leads with a median engagement rate of 5.69% among Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram users.

TikTok dominates the social media landscape by boasting an exceptional median engagement rate of 5.69%. This figure surpasses the average engagement rates seen on other platforms, solidifying TikTok’s position as a leader in user interaction and content consumption.

The platform’s ability to captivate its users is evident through this impressive statistic. With millions of active users globally, TikTok has managed to create an environment where content creators can effectively engage with their audiences, resulting in higher-than-average interaction levels.

In comparison to other social media platforms, TikTok’s average engagement rate sets it apart as a frontrunner for brands and influencers seeking to connect with their target demographics. This high level of engagement presents opportunities for businesses and individuals alike to reach wider audiences and build strong communities around their content.

TikTok’s success in maintaining such a substantial engagement rate underscores its influence on modern digital culture and consumer behavior. As more companies recognize the potential impact of TikTok marketing strategies, the platform continues to attract new users and retain existing ones at an impressive pace.

8. Brand trust increases by 64% with positive social media interactions and influencer marketing.

Positive interactions on social media play a pivotal role in bolstering brand trust, contributing to a substantial increase of up to 64%. This surge in trust is directly linked to the way brands engage and interact with their audience on various social media platforms.

The impact of positive engagements on social media cannot be overstated. When brands actively respond to customer queries, comments, and messages, it creates a sense of reliability and responsiveness. As a result, this fosters an environment where consumers feel valued and heard, ultimately leading to enhanced brand trust.

Moreover, when brands showcase transparency and authenticity through their social media presence by sharing user-generated content or behind-the-scenes glimpses into their operations, it further solidifies the bond between the brand and its audience. This authenticity resonates deeply with consumers and can significantly elevate brand trust levels.

Many brands have successfully leveraged influencer marketing as part of their strategy for positive interactions on social media. By partnering with influencers who align with their values and ethos, these brands have effectively increased brand awareness while simultaneously nurturing consumer trust.

9. Short-form videos, including those created by influencers and TikTok users, are the most engaging content on social media with a high average engagement rate.

Short-form videos, such as those found on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Snapchat, have proven to be the most engaging type of content across various social media platforms. These bite-sized videos reign supreme in captivating audiences and driving high levels of interaction. Studies show that short-form video ads generate higher click-through rates and engagement compared to other forms of advertising on social media.

For instance, a study by HubSpot revealed that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from brands they support. This indicates a growing preference for video over other types of content among social media users. According to a report by Cisco, it is projected that by 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic – showcasing the immense popularity and effectiveness of video content.

Moreover, the rise in popularity of platforms like TikTok has led to an explosion in user-generated short-form video content. As a result, brands are increasingly leveraging these platforms to reach their target audience through creative and engaging short videos.

10. 91% of internet users go online via smartphones, compared to 65.6% on laptops/desktops.

The majority, 91%, of internet users access online content through smartphones, highlighting the widespread reliance on mobile devices for internet browsing. In contrast, only 65.6% opt for laptops or desktop computers as their primary means of accessing the internet.

Smartphones have solidified their position as the predominant device for online activities, with a significant percentage – 91% – of total internet users preferring them over traditional computing devices like laptops and desktops. This trend underscores the increasing preference for convenience and accessibility in digital interactions.

This shift towards mobile browsing is driven by various factors such as portability, instant connectivity, and user-friendly interfaces offered by smartphones. Advancements in mobile technology have significantly enhanced the overall user experience on these devices.

As a result of this substantial gap in usage between smartphones and laptops/desktops among internet users (91% vs. 65.6%), it’s crucial for businesses and content creators to prioritize mobile optimization when developing websites and digital content. Failing to do so could mean missing out on engaging with a large portion of potential audiences who primarily rely on smartphones for their online activities.

11. In Australia, 79% of the audience are on social media, but only 47% of small/medium businesses are present.

Social media usage in Australia is remarkably high at 79%, indicating a widespread adoption of these platforms among the population. However, there exists a considerable disparity as only 47% of small and medium-sized businesses have established their presence on social media. This gap highlights the underutilization of social media by businesses despite its popularity among consumers.

The discrepancy between social media usage among Australians and business presence on these platforms underscores a missed opportunity for companies to engage with their target audience effectively. Small and medium-sized enterprises could leverage social media to enhance brand visibility, connect with customers, and drive sales. The untapped potential for business growth through strategic use of social media becomes evident in this context.

Moreover, the limited representation of small and medium-sized businesses on social media may hinder their ability to compete in an increasingly digital marketplace. With more consumers turning to online channels for product research and purchases, companies that neglect their social media presence risk falling behind competitors who actively engage with audiences through these platforms.

12. Instagram is the leader in social selling with an in-app shopping experience, influencer marketing, influencers, ads, and advertising audience.

Instagram has solidified its position as the top platform for social selling by introducing a seamless in-app shopping experience. This innovative feature allows users to discover and purchase products without leaving the app, streamlining the purchasing process.

The introduction of in-app shopping on Instagram has revolutionized how businesses connect with their target audience. By providing a direct pathway from product discovery to purchase, brands can capitalize on impulse buying behaviors and drive sales more effectively.

With this convenient feature, Instagram has become a pivotal tool for e-commerce businesses looking to leverage social media for sales. The platform’s user-friendly interface and integrated payment options enhance the overall shopping experience, resulting in higher conversion rates for businesses.

13. YouTube is the second-most visited social media platform globally after Google.

YouTube secures its position as the second-most visited website worldwide, following Google. With over 2 billion logged-in monthly users, YouTube has a massive global audience, making it an influential platform for businesses and creators alike.

After Google, YouTube holds the distinction of being the second-most frequently visited website across the globe. This fact underscores its significance as a key player in the digital landscape and highlights its potential for reaching diverse audiences on a global scale.

Only surpassed by Google, YouTube ranks as the second-most popularly visited website globally. In terms of user engagement and time spent on site, YouTube’s statistics are equally impressive; each day people watch over 1 billion hours of video on this platform.

The dominance of this video-sharing platform presents unparalleled opportunities for businesses to connect with consumers through engaging content. With more than 70% of YouTube watch time coming from mobile devices, it emphasizes how crucial it is for brands to optimize their content for mobile viewing.

14. Social media user growth has increased by 6.5 percent from last year.

Social media platforms have experienced a growth rate of 6.5% compared to the previous year, indicating the continued expansion of their user base. This surge in social media users is a testament to the ever-increasing influence and reach of these platforms.

Over the past year, social media user growth has seen a notable increase of 6.5%, showcasing the sustained popularity and relevance of social media in people’s lives. This substantial rise underscores the pivotal role that social media plays in connecting individuals, businesses, and communities worldwide.

From the previous year, social media platforms have witnessed a growth rate of 6.5% in terms of their user base, reflecting an ongoing trend towards digital engagement and interaction across various demographics and regions.

This significant upward trajectory in social media users presents vast opportunities for businesses to leverage these platforms for marketing purposes. With more users joining social networks each day, it becomes increasingly essential for brands to establish a robust presence on popular channels such as Twitter and Instagram.

The escalating numbers also emphasize the need for businesses to stay updated with current social media trends and statistics to tailor their marketing strategies effectively.

15. The shift from Twitter to LinkedIn highlights changes in platform preference among social media users.

The transition from Twitter to LinkedIn indicates a noticeable change in users’ platform preferences. More and more users are favoring LinkedIn over Twitter, reflecting a significant shift in their choice of platforms. This growing inclination towards LinkedIn and the declining interest in Twitter signify a noteworthy trend that businesses and marketers should take into account.

For businesses targeting professionals or B2B audiences, this shift underscores the increasing relevance of having a strong presence on LinkedIn. With its focus on professional networking and industry-specific content, LinkedIn offers unique opportunities for engagement with decision-makers and industry leaders.

According to recent statistics, there has been an evident increase in user engagement on LinkedIn compared to other social media platforms. For instance, research shows that around 40% of monthly active users access the platform daily, indicating consistent engagement levels among its user base.

Moreover, as companies strive to build thought leadership and establish themselves as industry experts, leveraging the features offered by LinkedIn can be highly beneficial. The platform’s robust tools for content sharing, networking capabilities through groups and connections, along with targeted advertising options provide ample avenues for businesses to expand their reach within niche professional communities.


So, there you have it! The world of social media is buzzing with activity, and the numbers don’t lie. With billions of users across various platforms, the influence of social media on our lives and businesses is undeniable. From the rise of short-form videos to the increasing shift towards mobile usage, the landscape is constantly evolving. It’s clear that leveraging social media is crucial for businesses to stay relevant and connect with their audience in this digital age.

Now that you’re armed with these insights, it’s time to take action. Whether you’re a business owner looking to boost your online presence or an individual aiming to make an impact, make sure to harness the power of social media wisely. Stay updated with the latest trends, engage authentically with your audience, and keep innovating your content strategies. The world of social media awaits – go out there and make your mark!

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Team Digital Shiksha
Digital Shiksha is the leading online and interactive digital marketing training institute in India. We offer professional certification courses in Digital Marketing, which will help you create effective digital marketing strategies. Our students have access to the latest tools and techniques used in online marketing, including social networking, mobile marketing, online communities, viral marketing, wikis, and blogs. With a career in online, interactive, and digital marketing, you can progress into roles such as campaign planning and brand development. At Digital Shiksha we are committed to supporting and educating our students to reach their full potential in the field of digital marketing.

About the author, Team Digital Shiksha

Digital Shiksha is the leading online and interactive digital marketing training institute in India. We offer professional certification courses in Digital Marketing, which will help you create effective digital marketing strategies. Our students have access to the latest tools and techniques used in online marketing, including social networking, mobile marketing, online communities, viral marketing, wikis, and blogs. With a career in online, interactive, and digital marketing, you can progress into roles such as campaign planning and brand development. At Digital Shiksha we are committed to supporting and educating our students to reach their full potential in the field of digital marketing.

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